
A guide to using Tourmaline's brute.

On this page, you'll learn to:

  • Use the tourmaline brute command

  • Understand the default values for the optional parameters


A brute forcer in web enumeration is a tool that iterates through a wordlist to see if a site contains the paths in the list. You can use Tourmaline's brute with:

tourmaline brute <URL>

By default, tourmaline will use this wordlist. You can specify one with

tourmaline brute <URL> [WORDLIST]

Where [WORDLIST] is the path to your wordlist.

Optional Parameters

  • -t|--threads <THREADS>: The number of threads the brute can use (defaults to 12).

  • -o|--outfile <OUTFILE>: The path to the outfile.

  • -d|--depth <DEPTH>: The recursion depth to use (defaults to 1)

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